Tuesday 25 December 2012

Horse shit bingo!

One of the activities during 'Party in Baatsfjord' was horse shit bingo!
Yes, that's right - horse shit bingo!

We read about it in the programme and we knew that we wouldn't miss this for the world!

So, we betted that the horse would take a poop in box number 13 or box number 20. They had painted a grid with number on the ground. Then it was up to us to lure and entice the pony in our direction with apples and carrots. The girls did a splendid job! Here you can see the little pony and his best friend, 'the sheep'.

Low and behold - WE WON!!! We were at the cafe with a good friend of mine, when her phone rang.... Goodness know how they tracked us down, but they did. '...tell me, those foreigners, those people from Australia, they are living with you, aren't they? Well, tell them they won the horse shit bingo. Come pick up the prize at 4'!! YAY!!!

Look! He pooped in number 20!!!

And 'the Australian' went up on stage to pick up the prize.

Thank you, Baatsfjord! We have rarely had so much fun!!!

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