Wednesday 15 May 2013


This week there was Assembly on Wednesday, and the big students had made the traditional welcome gifts for the 'newies'; a Schuletute! It is an old, german tradition that greets the 'newies' and inside there is lots of little presents such as school supplies, popcorn and cookies!

Agnes and Elliot's class on front row, and Milla's class on the third row - can you see her with a red bow in her hair (in the middle of the three girls with red bows)?

Agnes and Elliot on stage with their welcome presents

Here are some pictures from their first week in school from the school blog:

They are doing so well in school so far!


  1. SÅ koselig med skole/klassebilder. Det er helt utrolig hvor fort de har funnet seg til rette. De ser jo veldig fortrolig ut både i kasserommet og sammen med nye venner. Du gjør en god jobb Nina med jentene dine - gir dem selvtillit og tro på seg selv. Klem fra Besta.

    1. Tusen takk, mamma. Det var veldig fint sagt! Jeg satte veldig stor pris paa det! Glad i deg!
