Saturday 4 May 2013


Have you heard of the coffee cats in Bali? Milla made a drawing of them. Gregg and Milla watched a cooking show by Rick Stein, and she was inspired. When we last went to Bali, the coffee cats was one of the things on our to do list, but we ran out of time. This time, we are definitely going to have a Kupi Luwak despite the price tag.

It might not be to everyone's taste - and that's not just because at $100 a cup it's the most expensive coffee in the world. It is made from cats' droppings. While such an ingredient might leave many spluttering into their cups, the bean is rare, with less than 450lb harvested each year, and I really want to see what it tastes like.

The beans are extracted from the droppings of the palm civet, a cross between a cat and a monkey which lives in Indonesia. The civets eat the soft coffee cherries, digest the fruit pulp and excrete the beans on the forest floor, because they cannot digest the beans. Plantation workers then collect the beans, which are sold as Luwak coffee. The civets are said to pick only the best and ripest coffee berries. It is also thought that their gastric juices may add to the flavour. 

Crappuccino anyone?


  1. You should really taste it and while tasting it don't think that it has come from cat droppings , just take it as a coffee... I am sure you would really love it.
    Kopi Luwak

    1. Yes, we will try. Every one says it tastes delicious, so it is on our agenda:)
