Wednesday 20 February 2013

SRC Rep Milla

Today Milla was elected into the SRC, the Student Representative Council, at her school. Her class was voting for who they wanted to represent their class, and they chose Milla!

She was so very proud when she told us the news last night -  and so were we; very proud of our responsible Milla. And today at Assembly, she was presented with her SRC badge!

1 comment:

  1. Oi, det er ikke bare dere foreldre, som er stolt av en sånn modig og flink jente - det er jaggu Besta også. Milla har god grunn til å være stolt av at hele klassen samlet har slik stor tillit til henne, at de velger henne til noe SÅ stort som Src Rep. Den jenta er ikke skvetten. Lykke til.. Klem Besta
