Saturday 23 February 2013

A day on the ICE!!!

Guess what we did today?! We went ice skating! It's true. 36 degrees outside, and we had a snowball fight!!!

Milla and her little friends - first time ever on ice!
Look at me! I'm doing it!!
Snowball fight with Lilly!!! much fun!!!

Time for a break. Lemonade and lunch....
...and straight back onto the ice!
Elliot and mamma skating!
Yooohooooo - we are starting to get the hang of it
Even pappa had fun on the ice!
So much fun that no one wanted to go home!


  1. Ava can't wait to take the girls ice skating when you come visit. She's always keen to show off her ice skating skills to everyone :)
    I love your blue glasses, by the way. Such a nice colour on you :)

    1. Yes, they have seen the video you uploaded of Ava skating, and they are mighty impressed! I can't believe how good she is! It'll be fun to watch her. And thanks for the compliment. These are just my spare pair. I might have to wear them more often, lol!
