Wednesday 20 February 2013

Mr Koala

Look what we have in our garden!

On the second day in our new house, I woke up at 4 in the night from terrible grunting noises from the backyard! It sounded horrifying, like there was wild bores running around. Angry wild bores! Ready to attack! 
Heading for work at 6, I ran quickly to the car. The same thing happened next night. Still we could not see any animals in the back. But that afternoon we heard the grunting again. This time from the front of the house. We found the perpetrator up in the trees! A koala!
And we have learnt that male Koalas make this bellowing grunting noise. Since then he has moved around in the trees - some days in the front and some days in the back.

Have a listen to this - it does not sound like a cuddly, furry, little bear, does it?!


  1. Å, herregud dokker må bare passe på ungene, at den ikke plutselig går til angrep på dem i et ubevoktet øyeblikk. Alle syns jo at koalen ser så skjønn og ufarlig ut. Ja,skjønn er den, men bare under kontrollerte forhold. Dere alle må være forsiktig. Klem Besta

    1. Ja da, den holder seg oppe i traerne mesteparten av tiden. Tror ikke den liker hunden. Og vi holder god avstand:-)
