Saturday 19 July 2014

Elliot's bouncy egg experiment

Have you ever tried to bounce an egg?

STOP! Don't try until you have removed the shell! There is an experiment called the 'transparent' or 'the naked' egg experiment, where if you put eggs into vinegar, the vinegar will do the work of removing the shell for you. That's right, the eggshell will slowly disappear, leaving the egg 'naked' and see through! This happens because vinegar contains an acid called acetic acid, which reacts with the high calcium content of the eggshell. You have to wait about a week for the shell to dissolve completely, and when all the shell is gone you can try to bounce the egg!

Elliot learned about it in the Science Club and decided to show us at  home what she had learned.

First, she needed an egg and a plastic container.

Then she got the vinegar ready.

She added vinegar until it covered the egg completely.

Already after an hour or so, the egg started 'bubbling' on the shell...

Then she put it 'a quiet' place where no one would move the plastic container - and just to be sure, she wrote a big, fat note: Elliot's Bouncy Egg Experiment DON'T TOUCH THIS!

She kept a diary and wrote down her observations:

It changed a lot over the week, from bubbling, to floating, to really bubbling, to getting bigger, moving from side to side and turning white then yellow!

After a week the shell was gone!

She took it out and it was soft and felt all spongy. Now, do you think it bounced??? Here we go....

YES!!! It bounced and it didn't break!!!

-Elliot the little scientist-

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