Saturday, 2 May 2015

Surfing the jungle tree tops!

Hoooooooly cooooooooooow!

We did thSkyrail experience, spanning 7.5kms over pristine rainforest, allows you to explore the wonders of an ancient tropical rainforest and learn about one of the most botanically fascinating and diverse areas on earth - hanging dangling in a gondola with a glass floor! Looking straight down into the abyss!!! Wow, the butterflies moved from the top of our heads and into our tummies!!

What a fantastic experience though. Gliding just metres above the rainforest canopy in gondola cabins, the Skyrail journey immerses you in an intimate rainforest experience where you’ll see, hear, and smell it!

Can you see our little friend just outside?! He is completely bigger than my hand!!

...uuuurrrggghhhhhh, pappa!!!

Stop farting!!! We are in a very small space here!!!

Another great day in sunny tropical north Queensland!

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