Tuesday 29 May 2012

Sushi Baby

We have a local Sushi train that absolutely serves the best Sushi I have ever tasted. It opened around the time we learned that Milla was on the way, and during the pregnancy we visited at least twice a week- and we still do! As they saw my belly grow they started to call her 'sushi baby', and they were right; she absolutely loves Sushi! They have watched our family grow and treat the girls like royalty; What will it be today miss Milla? And she normally quips back; I'll have a Salmon Nigiri, please. Agnes and Elliot prefers the Edamame - the salty green beans. It is so much more fun to pick them apart and explore their insides! The beans, that is:)

Sitting there watching all the beautiful dishes rolling by is a quick and easy lunch. Just as much a feast for the eyes as for the stomach!

Here are some of the dishes they serve. Our all time favourite is abalone, I think. Gregg is absolutely crazy about that one! I wonder how many kilos of abalone he alone has consumed during the years...?


  1. We miss going to sushi train with you :(

  2. It's getting expensive going there...:) Before they only ate Edamame, but now they are really into sushi pieces. And they love ordering from the chefs! Still the best Sushi around though!

    1. We've got two little sushi lovers here too. Ava only ever wants prawn nigri which is always one of the more expensive dishes. Lola would live on edamame if she was allowed to! We have a great sushi restaurant across the road that we'll have to take you to when you visit :)
