Sunday 27 May 2012

Ballet Concert

Last Saturday night was the girls' big ballet concert at the Hopgood Theatre. Needless to say - they were VERY excited that the big day was finally here as they have been practicing every week at their ballet school since January!

We dropped them off back-stage before we went to the front of the theatre for a glass of wine and a fantastic performance. This year was special, because Milla has advanced to the next level. This year she was dancing with the big girls! But it all went well and our beautiful ballerinas was beaming on stage!

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Rainbow fairies waiting in the dressing room

Ballerina Milla

Opening number; this is the Junior class.
Elliot and Agnes are starting the show!

No flash photography allowed so poor quality
photos. Elliot and Agnes (blue leotard) is number
 2 and 3 from the right.

First position and blowing love hearts. Elliot
in orange and Agnes in blue (2 and 3 from the right)

Milla's class has come on stage; Milla is number 3 from the left.

Beautiful pointy toes; Milla 3 from the left

Very well done; ready for a curtesy; Milla 3 from left

A proper ballerina must get flowers after a fantastic show! So pappa had brought big bouquets of flowers for his pretty ballerinas.

Well done, Elliot!

Wonderful show, Agnes!

Pretty ballerinas happy with the night's performance!

Well done girls! You are brave and amazing dancing and smiling on stage in front of all those people in the audience!


  1. So cute :) Ava has been wondering if the girls have had any ballet concerts since we left. I'll have to make sure to show her the photos of your little ballerinas xx

  2. Yes, many shows now. The last one before Christmas was really good - they performed Alice in Wonderland! Really enjoyed being in the audience. Next time I have to dress I think....have been avoiding signing up ever since we started...:)

  3. Ava misses doing ballet with Milla :( We haven't gotten back into ballet here. She did it for a little while at pre-school but now she's just too busy with school, swimming (twice a week), ice skating and cheerleading. Plus she wants to take up gymnastics - mostly because Lola is starting gymnastics next week and she's jealous! I've looked into ballet lessons but they all seem to be on Saturdays and I really don't want to sign up to a long term commitment on Saturdays. I want to keep our weekends free for exploring :)

    1. Exploring in the weekends sounds very nice! And I thought our girls were busy - Ava is really a busy bee!
