Thursday 17 October 2013

Elliot's Quokka

Elliot's favourite animal these days is the quokka! She even made a puppet show with her own quokka:


  1. Cute :)
    Quokkas don't like me. A million years ago when I was 16 I did work experience at a wildlife park in the hills. My job was to feed the "friendly" animals, the quokkas included. The furry little critters ganged up on me every single day. None of the staff would believe as they're usually so friendly. Only on the last day did they believe me when I was mobbed by quokkas as soon as I stepped into the enclosure! I remember trying to leave, standing with one leg in the enclosure and one leg out and I had a quokka hanging off my jeans! My supervisor thought it was hilarious as the quokka clung on with its teeth and claws while I lifted my leg up and down. It just wouldn't let go!

    1. Sally, you've got me in stitches!!! That is hilarious!!! I can just picture the quokkas ganging up on you:-) Gold!!!
