Sunday 14 April 2013

Superhero Capes in 1-2-3!

For Agnes and Elliot's party we decided to make superhero capes and masks for all the kids. All the 28 of them! ...we had to find a fuss free, no sewing and super fast way of making them, and so we did! Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!

All we needed was some old t-shirts (preferable large sized ones), fabric glue, felt and elastic. We got some old t-shirts from Pop and pappa, the rest (more colourful ones) we found at the Salvos (second hand store).

Really, we just wanted to cut off the front of the t-shirt, but save the collar. This way we didn't even have to add a button or closure or anything!

We cut along the side all the way up to the shoulder.

Then we tapered it slightly towards the neck, and cut along the neckline, saving the collar for an easy on-off pull-over-the-head action.

...and TA-DAAAAA - all done! Agnes is trying the first cape on - and it's perfect!

We also cut out masks from colourful felt. First we made a drawing (or you can just download any template from the internet - a Google search showed plenty of options) - then we traced it onto the felt and cut out. We have a hole-pucher for paper, and it worked just as good on the felt, so we punched holes for the elastic to go through - and voila...all done!

The quickest superhero outfit EVER!

Milla decided to decorate one for herself...

...CATWOMAN!!! Lovely, Milla!

And Agnes worried that pre-school house were running out of making stuff, so she wanted to save all the scraps and take down to them (which she did on Friday:) Here she is resting and collecting all her scrap pieces.

The girls even made their own version of a dog-superhero-cape of one of the scrapped front pieces of a t-shirt! A purple outfit for Samba!

We made all the kids initials for each superhero cape out of felt. We printed out large letters, traced it and cut them out. Without sewing we just used flexible fabric glue to stick them onto the capes. And it worked just wonderful!

Elliot was very happy and wanted to  try it on right away!

And here is the finished result. Pretty cool, don't you think?!

Calling all superheroes!!!!


  1. Ni är helt fantastiskt kreativa!!! Var får du alla idéer och all energi ifrån? Oaw - vilket cool party det kommer bli, jag ser fram emot bilder! :)

    1. Det var veldig artig og lage noe som ikke var saa vanskelig og som ble saa kult. Det ble mye kulere enn jeg hadde trodd. Og ungene elsket kostymene! De hadde saa kjempemorsomt paa partyet -bilder kommer snart. Ideen til maskene kom fra Pinterest. Men vi maatte jo ha kapper ogsaa da. Saa mange ideer paa Pinterest, men alle maatte sys eller puttes knapp paa, og det ble litt for tricky. Saa da testet jeg ut denne ideen, fordi jentene knytter ofte Gs tskjorter rundt halsen og da tenkte jeg proeve og bare klippe fronten bort,og det ble jo kjempesuksess:)

  2. Cute and so simple. You're so clever Nina :)

    1. Yes, we loved it. And the kids loved it. And so much fun to do!
