Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Miss Positivity!

Good morning! Agnes got a certificate at assembly, hooray! What a good girl she is - she got her award for being positive, a courageous learner, and we are so very proud!

She was called up on stage, and after Maria made her speech and told everyone why Agnes was chosen in her class - she firmly shook her hand and turned to us with a beaming smile!

She was so happy!

1 comment:

  1. Du er vel tøff og flink,Agnes. Gratulerer. Det er ikke så lenge siden vi hadde en prat hvor du sa "Besta, i think i am a little bit shy" det hjalp å prate litt, for det ser ut som du har kommet forbi den "perioden"nå..Besta er så glad i deg!!!
