Tuesday 9 October 2012


 The day after our meet'n'greet with Kaptein Sabeltann, Besta and Besten treated us all to an entire day in Kristiansan Dyrepark - zoo and adventure park! Did we do the log-boat ride this time...??? Uh-uh. Nope. Not a chance! But we did have lots of fun and funny faces!

'The stolen loaf'
 Eh-hem! What is Besta packing away?! We'll give you a hint....the best sunflower-seed bread ever. From the breakfast buffet. In the hotel. Yes, that's right. We HAD to have a loaf!!

Which way???
Uh-oh...the log-boat ride... No, not this time!
This ride is much more fun...
...maybe next time.
Pappa, we want a goat! He can be our grassmower!!
Or a lil' piggy! Either or is fine, Pappa!
Family photo. Look how nice everyone is sitting...
Scrap that! Put your funny faces on!!!
Love is in the air...
Come on Besta! Inspired by...a lemen...???
He bites...ruuuuuuuun!

Pony riding would be good. But the ponies were on a break.
Can I have a goldfish? Or two?...or seventy-eight??
Come on, Besten - can you catch some for us??
Milla the photographer taking a photo of her favorite thing!

Summer girls
First time candyfloss!!!

Pappa too!
Ok, Besten's turn to have a break in the trolly!
Fullt hus og stormende jubel!
Milla: I'm going for the swan! Yessss!
Agnes loved the carousel!
Kardemomme by
Fire fighters!

Gorgeous surroundings and little houses
Tante Sofie's house!

Tired lil' Agnes had a good sleep in the trolley
...Whilst these lil' ants were climbing trees and boats!

 What a lovely day we had. And just as we were going home, Besten realized that he had lost the car keys!!! Oh no!!! How were we ever going to find them again? How were we going to get home? Another night at the hotel?? But wait.....Super-Besta to the rescue!!! Can you believe that in all of the Dyreparken - it is huuuuuge - she managed to find them?!

Besta with the lost key outside The Waffle House!

Yay for Besta!

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