Saturday, 27 February 2016

Koala Nina back in the wild!

Do you remember our post about the Koala Rescue? Well, today we got good news. The koala we found in the garden was named Nina whilst in care of the Koala Hospital. It was touch and go for a very long time, as she was completely dehydrated, but luckily with koalas things change quickly. 

Today we were told that Koala Nina was ready for release. It was decided that Wittunga Botanical Gardens was the most suitable release site at this time of year because of the lake providing a water source. At release she weighed 5.37 kg and has a yellow ear tag No 098. Now we can track her movements and also have her medical history on file. The carers at the Koala Hospital told me she has a particularly gentle nature and her carers will miss her. 

Here she is, back in a big Blue Gumtree.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Chicken hearts?!

Look what I found at the grocery store today. What on earth do you make for dinner with....chicken hearts???

Monday, 22 February 2016


I dag har jeg vært på foreldremøte på skolen og hilst på Milla sin nye lærer. Da tida var ute ba hun meg om å skrive en liten lapp og klistre den på pulten hennes. En fin liten god-morgen ide :-)

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Beach Sunday!

This morning down the beach we got company from the Nova919 radio station - they interviewed the girls, snapped some pictures and made an action video. Oh, also we all got ice creams! Happy Sunday!

Nova is not my favourite radio station - gotta say I'm a TripleJ fan - but whenever the peanuts are i the car I hear 'PRESS 5, mamma', so they were pretty stoked today to get on their webpage.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

New Runners!

With all this growing happening - we need new clothes and shoes frequently lately! Today was Elliot's turn to get new runners. She chose a pair from Under Armour, and we had to go and test them straight away!


Friday, 19 February 2016

See what's missing?!

Elliot lost tooth number 5!!! She is very happy happy to have had another visit from the Toothfairy :-)

Thursday, 18 February 2016

La Officina

Look at my special office pen that I got from an amiga last year!

Jeg digger penna mi, Merethe!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Oh, St Valentin!

To celebrate Valentines Day this year, we had to make a shortcut... simply no time this year to we bought lollipop rings and printed out tags that said:
You are a GEM of a friend

The girls then labelled all tags and brought the treats to school to share with all their little class friends.

...phew, not all sugar and candy - Elliot made the girls a school morning snack:-) Apples, oranges, kiwis and grapes. Good girl!

Sunday, 14 February 2016

New goggles!

...hate weekend-work...but my new goggles is getting me through...:-)

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Hey handsome...!

Etter en ettermiddags spasertur i Belair National Park, var vi en kjapp tur innom på besøk hos denne supre kokken idag :-)

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Penner og blyanter og penalhus og bokser i alle verdens farger...dette er favoritt butikken til Millsy! Hun har spart lommepenger i flere uker - de får 5 dollar hver på fredager for alt de hjelper til med hjemme - og så tok vi turer ned til Smiggles...hurra!!!

Party Panda!

This year Milla decided on a little panda party (the panda in zoo has just given birth to a baby and the girls desperately wants to go and see it :-)

She is growing up... On her own, she prepared it all, made the invitation, created party bags and baked the cake! 

She folded and printed party bags and filled with lollies!

Chocolate cake in the making

All done! Pandas swimming in the mud :-)

We set up a picnic outside in the shade under the big tree

...and a slippery slide yahoooooo!

Decorate your own ice cream...

...yep, there was more topping and decor than ice cream :-)

Happy birthday Milla!

9 candles!

Struggled to light the candles in the breeze, but managed in the end!

Best buds :-)

Birthday cards and presents!

Another year, another birthday... 
Happy 9, beautiful girl!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Bursdag OG første skoledag!

Hipp hipp hurra! Første dagen på skolen i 2016 - og Milla sin BURSDAG!

Kjempespent bakte hun sjokoladekake helt selv og tok med på skolen - ble den ikke fin?

Milla fikk bestemme bursdagsmiddag og da ble det jammen meg Sushi! Gregg var på jobb, dobbelt skift, så da var det jentekveld :-)

Hjemme var det på tide og åpne pakker!!! Masse pakker!

Fra naboen

Fra Elliot

Fra bestefar og alle i Hurdal

Bat-onsie fra Agnes

Tusen takk og stor klem! Og tusen takk til alle sammen for fine bursdagskort og pakker. Shortsen fra gudmor Merethe var en stor hit og har blitt brukt flittig, boogie board fra Besta og Besten som vi håper og få takk i bruk på stranda snart, og japanske Kimmie dolls fra Fritz, Samba og Budgie :-)

Da Gregg kom hjem fra jobb på kvelden hadde han med en bolle gele (frog in a pond).

Hurra for Milla 9 år!!!