Med havet, døden og kjærligheten i fokus.
Ocean Hope, the ocean-garbage-hut, is built from garbage found on the beach, and it conveys an important message; about the ocean, death and love - the ocean is ill at the moment. The 'Naturvernforbundet' says that the North Sea is the third most polluted ocean in the world. Pollution and garbage is the reason that fish and birds are dying. But raising knowledge about pollution amongst us all, gives hope.
We went to the opening of the hope-hut and heard the artist who built the hut, talk about her work. A local artist, Helene Bøksle, sang about the ocean, hope and love. Lots of people came along to a wonderful day at the beach.
Lorentz har til og med kasta skjorta i sola |
There was even a treasure hunt with the local pirate 'King Torius'. The kids were picking up garbage from the beach and found gold coins in the sand along the way - chocolate gold coins!
Milla and Elliot hand in hand in their purple dresses |
Hmmmm...what is he saying??? What is he telling us to do?? |
Agnes found some gold coins so she was happy! |
Besta to the rescue - translating pirate-Norwegian into English |
Handing up garbage to Kaptein Torius |
Returning to the garbage-hut for some music |
Happy girls - plenty of gold! |
Reporting to Kaptein, ai, Captain! |
Skikkelige sørlandsviser: Reinert med beinet! |
Pynt i døra - doorway decor |
Håbet |
Havika - a beautiful summers evening!
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