Sunday, 31 January 2016

Raisin fingers and wrinkly toes!

...oh how lovely this week has been...non-stop swimming and reading books under a shady tree!

New goggles!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

A room with a view....

We have eloped! This is the last week of the school holidays, and I have managed to take a week off work so I can spend it with my lovelies. I can't believe that in just a few days I will have a Y4 (femte klasse) and two Y3 (fjerde klasse) girls!!! Oh my wordy, am I proud of them.

We have headed down to The Bluff in Encounter Bay for some quality time and amazing views!


Saturday, 23 January 2016

BB8 is soooooo cute!

Finally I'm on holidaaaaaays....aaaaah! Starting with Star Wars cinema date tonight with my little girls who are totally fans and have been waiting and waiting to go see it. 

...and we LOVE it! Go Rey!

Thursday, 21 January 2016


Broren til Gregg bor på Tasmania og de fikk akkurat en liten Angus - jentene sitt første søskenbarn! De kom på nyttårs-besøk og jentene syns det var stas :-)

Brothers and offspring

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Gumtrees and Koalas

Although little 'Nina' is away at the Vet, we still have this fella' just off our balcony - this is Smogs, he has been our house guest on and off since we moved in three years ago :-)

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Koala Rescue!

On our way down to the guinea pigs we heard the dog bark and bark and bark - not like him at all - so we went over to have a look, and guess what we found....a little koala laying on the ground, hot, bothered and barely breathing.

Time to call Koala Rescue! They came straight away to take the little one to the vet. She told us that koalas often get dehydrated on such warm days as we are having now (yes, a-n-o-t-h-e-r heatwave! 40 again...).  At the vet they test for kidney function, as when dehydrated their kidneys usually shut down, and in fact about 85% of rescue koalas is euthanised. So sad. 

Koala rescue sent me a text that night telling us that they had named the koala Nina! And guess what...she is a girl AND she had a tiny little pink hairless koala baby in her pouch! Unfortunately the kidney function tests were not great, and mother and baby are in a rough spot. Please think of little Nina and hope the tests are better when they re-check in two days.

Little Nina - dazed and confused!

In the car ready to go to the vet

The girls are saying their goodbyes...

...and hoping that she will come back home soon

If you ever need the number, here is Koala Rescue Adelaide: (08) 7226 0017.

We are crossing our fingers for you, little friend!

Monday, 18 January 2016

Two Wheels!

Children laugh about 200 times more per day than adults. If you want to know if this is really true,  just go for a bike ride and a play in the park with little friends :-)

We are so luck to have Belair National Park just nearby!

Heard something in the bushes and instantly thought 'SNAKE', but it was just a kangaroo having a sit down

Ducks, magpies and ..... kookaburras!

The girls are singing:

Kookaburra sits on the electric wire
jumping up and down with his pants on fire
laugh kookaburra
laugh kookaburra
gay your life must be

Thursday, 14 January 2016


...from 40 yesterday to 21 today! Aaaahhh.....

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Monday, 11 January 2016


Hahndorf is a small town in the Adelaide Hills region of South Australia. It is classified as Australia's oldest surviving German settlement and each year lots of people, us included, enjoy its charm and delicious german sausages and sauerkraut! When visiting Hahndorf, the most striking features that greet you are the over 100 year old elm and plane trees that line the Main street and the original 'Fachwerk' buildings, many beautifully maintained or restored to original conditions.  While the town retains its strong German heritage, new, exciting and chic businesses have emerged adding to the atmosphere there. We love us a day in Hahndorf! This is where the girls go to riding school so lucky us get to come up here often :-)

New sandals, yay!

The Australian cowboy hat is called an Akubra. This one lined with crocodile teeth!

Yup, german alright!!

The girls found a little fairy garden

Everyone wanted to sit in this giant chair we found :-)

Yes, in Hahndorf they sell a 1 metre long hotdog!!!

A real pub calls for armwrestling!!!

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Hold the horses!

Look what we saw!!! A car with 'NORSK' (that means Norwegian) on the licence plate. I have no idea who it was they turned off before I managed to have a sneak peak!

Packing away Christmas...

All hands on deck - time to pack the holidays away...

...with a big....KARATE CHOP!!!

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Happy New Year!

A tradition since moving to Australia has been to celebrate NYE on the  beach...picnic, champers and fireworks in the sunset... it is my absolute favourite way to welcome the new year: Happy 2016 everyone!

The last picture is from the Sydney fireworks. Once, before we move from Australia, I want to go and see it! Yup, on the bucket list!